I found this blog hop & thought I would join in. Sometimes it seems like all I have is Five minutes.
Five minutes to just write, and not worry if it’s just right or not. Kind of like how the rest of my life is at the moment.
Want to join me?
1. Write for only five minutes.
2. Link up by clicking on the button.
3. Go leave some comment love for the five minutes
who linked up before you.
It’s great , give it a try and see. Here is the topic ~
Deep Breath ..........
GO .......
First thing in the morning another day ....... Thank you God
Breakfast kids dressed and out the door ......
Hubby off to work ..........
Carly playin , watchin TV ....
Doing my daily chores ......
My Step-son Jared who gets on my nerves just sitting around should be tryin to find a job.......
Always in my thoughts my children in Heaven.......
My family so far away ........
Any random thought ...........
At the end of a day ......... Thank you God
Most of all I'm so glad God is there w/me every step of the way. Thank you for blessing me with so much. Another day closer to you.
My five minutes for today.
OK, your turn – show me what you’ve got.

I've seen Mattie do this too. Might have to try this out sometime.
pretty much sums up our days, doesn't it Caroline? we get up and thank God and we should end the day thanking him too! thanks for the reminder to do so in your 5 minute Friday!
I'm glad that God is with us - what would we do without him? xoxo
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