Busy Day but so worth every minute of it.
Today the children were honored at there school for awards from last grading period. Along with many other students. It's something new there school is trying this year to maybe have children work a little harder at doing better on things instead of waiting til the end of the year for awards. It really makes a lot of sense. I talked with the principal tonight and I could see a lot of good things coming from this.
Today Ridge got awards for excellent attendance , citizenship and Honor Roll.
Ridge and some classmates.
Jennifer made Citizenship and Honor Roll.
Jennifer and some classmates.
Thaniqua made Citizenship and Honor Roll , plus her already student spotlight.
Thaniquia and her BFF.
My children today and always make me so happy to be a parent. Even if there were no awards just by being themselves. I love all my kids so much on earth and in Heaven.
One other item today was Say Boo to Drugs so everyone was supposed to wear the color RED. That's why there is so many Red shirts.
Also tonight they had a meeting for parents on there new reading program and on Parent / Teacher meetings which are next week. We had a free pizza dinner for everyone then the kids could watch a movie or make a craft while the parents were busy.
What a great day !!!!!!