
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Carly and Cookies

Yesterday I made some cookies , not that we haven't already had enough sweets in the house this week. I'm no way complaining but the weather is getting to be nice plus the next few days. So it seems like all the neighbor kids hang out at our yard. Jennifer is always wanting to share which is good.

Anyway I put some wax paper on the table to put the cookies on when they came out of the oven. Carly kept saying Hot , Hot while I took them off the pan. I turned my back then looked back at her & turned around again. Next thing I know she has taken a bite out of four cookies then say to me " Mommy bake cookies " She put all her cookies in her little dish and then sat down to eat them. So precious , I told Paul when he came home. I told him we should call her Carly the Cookie Monster.

Here is a picture I took of her. Just eating away. She got her share of cookies.

Little Miss Carly the Cookie Monster



Kristin said...

Too funny! You just can't blame her for wanting to try them! Ha! :D I made some cookies yesterday too :)

betty said...

so cute and she is talking really good to put those four words together in a sentence!! WTG Carly!!

I like how she put them in her little dish to eat them too :)


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Aww...that is too cute! So she took a bite out of each one so she could claim them as her own :)

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