
Thursday, March 31, 2011

~ Project 365- Day 90 ~

A wonderful day ~ No coat , Lots of sunshine & Little Miss Carly in a pair of shorts !! Getting to play outside.

Carly and Cookies

Yesterday I made some cookies , not that we haven't already had enough sweets in the house this week. I'm no way complaining but the weather is getting to be nice plus the next few days. So it seems like all the neighbor kids hang out at our yard. Jennifer is always wanting to share which is good.

Anyway I put some wax paper on the table to put the cookies on when they came out of the oven. Carly kept saying Hot , Hot while I took them off the pan. I turned my back then looked back at her & turned around again. Next thing I know she has taken a bite out of four cookies then say to me " Mommy bake cookies " She put all her cookies in her little dish and then sat down to eat them. So precious , I told Paul when he came home. I told him we should call her Carly the Cookie Monster.

Here is a picture I took of her. Just eating away. She got her share of cookies.

Little Miss Carly the Cookie Monster


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

~ Project 365 - Day 89 ~

Chili ~ My favorite ~ I love it anytime.
Also made a fresh pan of cornbread to go with it.
YUMMY !!!!!

Wordless Wednesday ~ Thaniqua's Cake


So Proud

The state science fair was this past weekend in Reno. Thaniqua was entered since she placed first at her home school. We were excited and just so proud that she even got to go. Well the judging was over Friday evening and guess what ??????????

She placed third in her 3rd Grade level. We were all on cloud nine.
It was really sweet Ridge went over and gave Thaniqua a kiss and hug. He told her Wow , Sis your pretty Awesome.

All around a very beautiful memory for all of us.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

~ Project 365- Day 88 ~

Beautiful !!!! God does some pretty wonderful painting.

23 Months

Time has passed so quickly , so hard to believe. I was looking back at some of her pictures last weekend.

Little Miss Carly is 23 months today.

She is such a blessing & so so so active........

Last Tuesday she had a well check appt at the Dr's.

She weighed 35 lbs and 36 inches tall. She got the rest of her shots needed and No tears. That always makes me happy considering we had to have a different Dr. Our Dr transfered to Las Vegas so I took one Dr I had seen once before with Carly. Here after talking to her Ridge is in the same class with her son. How neat is that. The boys are good friends too. Another great thing NO MORE SHOTS TIL Four years old. !!!! I was happy & glad for no other issues.

I caught this pic of Carly eating cake at Thaniqua's Birthday Party the other night.

Carly is in to the show the Bubble Guppies right now seems like all we watch & Dora plus Dino Dan. She has one book about Spot that she can read pretty well alone. She doesn't say all the words but you know what she means. The kids read to her a lot so I know that is helping. She can count good to five right now too. She also is enjoying the kids being on break from school. Hoping for some warm weather so we can go to the park a few days.

Happy 23 months Little Miss Carly !!!!!

We Love You bunches !!!!!

Next month the BIG PARTY ~ 2 years old. WOW Still hard to believe.


Monday, March 28, 2011

~ Project 365 - Day 87 ~

Carleigh's Happy Birthday Brownies !!!
We Love You !!!

Remembering Carleigh ~ Happy Birthday

Today I would like to wish a very special girl a Happy Birthday.

It's hard to believe that two years have gone by so quickly. I hope that you are having lots of fun in Heaven with all the other Angel babies. We think of you so much Carleigh.

Today the kids and I decorated a pan of brownies for you.

Thinking of you "Holly" & your family today & praying for a peaceful day as you remember Carleigh.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

~ Project 365 - Day 86 ~

Thaniqua's birthday cake ~ Lego Man & Snow White .
Great combo ~ She is my tomboy & I love her.
Happy Birthday Sweetie
Love Mom

Special Day / Remembering 9 yrs Ago

Today is a special day in our home.

It's another birthday ~ Thaniqua's Birthday !!!!!!

Nine yrs ago today I went through a very scary time in my life. I was staying with friends because I had recently left a domestic shelter. We were getting a new apartment on April 1st. I had seen her father a couple days before her birth when he kicked me in the stomach. Anyway .......

I ate dinner Fried Chicken I will never forget. Later that evening my friends I was staying with we watched MTV & I didn't feel good. I felt like I was getting the flu again. I had been sick just 2 wks before that terrible. I went to bed and Ridge was sleeping with me. I woke up in the night feeling worse but never thought I was in labor. We had a ice storm so it was really bad out. I started cramping but never thought it was that bad. No contractions I could time close enough so I went back to sleep. A hr later I awoke to hard contractions. I woke my friend and she got her Mom who just happened to be a nurse. While she was getting her Mom up it was 3am. I felt like I had to push and before I knew it there she was. They had already called the squad which got directions messed up. They finally came seemed like forever. They cut the cord and Thaniqua was crying & doing well. I had problems delivering the placenta so they took me to the hospital and after about a half hr of being there it finally happened. I can remember they placed Thaniqua when I was in the squad right on my chest all wrapped up. I'm so glad things turned out fine. I can also remember the one squad member that stayed til we both were checked out fine. The same gentleman and his wife came to see us in the hospital later that day.

So at 3am Thaniqua made quite a arrival , one I will never forget.

God was def watching over us.

Happy Birthday Thaniqua Marie

Love you bunches !!!!!

Oh I might add guess what she asked for tonight for dinner ~ FRIED CHICKEN her favorite. That's what were having too.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

~ Project 365 - Day 85 ~

Made some homemade potato salad , It's a big hit here.

Happy List Saturdays # 3

A Big Yay for my sweet friend Natasha for starting this Happy List Saturday. I know that looking at what all makes you happy can give you just that extra boost. So I'm writing down what has made me happy this past week.

I was happy to see some beautiful spring flowers poppin up out of the ground. I love spring but yesterday we got about six inches of snow. I'm still happy cuz I know it's just around the corner.

I'm happy for my kids being home. We have had some fun times this past week. The week went fast. Two more weeks of break left , Yay !!!!

I'm happy No More Shots for Carly until she is four yrs old. !!!!! Yay !!
She did great at her appt ~ No Tears this time.

Soapnet makes me happy ~ I blog or am on Facebook after everyone has gone to bed. My quiet time just relaxing.

Homemade Chili makes me happy.

Going to a craft store makes me happy. I could spend all day there.

Going to leave you with this.

A good friend made it for me and when I think of the sun shining ~ I think of this.

So I'm inviting all of you to link up and let's see what made you Happy.

Have a wonderful weekend !!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Five Minute Friday

I found this blop hop & thought I would join in. Sometimes it seems like all I have is Five minutes.

Five minutes to just write, and not worry if it’s just right or not. Kind of like how the rest of my life is at the moment.

Want to join me?

1. Write for only five minutes.
2. Link up by clicking on the button.
3. Go leave some comment love for the five minuter
who linked up before you.

It’s great , give it a try and see. Here is the topic ~

Waking Up….

GO .......

A new day good or bad , another day to thank God for everything .

A quiet house at the moment.

So much to juggle somedays , but I wouldn't have it any other way.

A yummy breakfast of whatever.

My happiest moment in waking up is a tender kiss from my husband. A wonderful way to start the day.

Then most of all the children's voices , a hug , a kiss , a morning I love you but most of all just being together as a family being whatever we are in the morning.


My five minutes for today.

OK, your turn – show me what you’ve got.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Carly's First Artwork & Project 365 - Day 83

Tuesday evening after supper , I was trying to do a few things before Paul came home from work. Carly was sorta fussy. So I thought why not try some crayons. Thaniqua got one and paper. So are newest artist went to town. Not bad for first time. Thaniqua joked and said Good thing we already ate supper , maybe Carly won't try to eat the crayons. Silly girl , Carly did well only once did she want to put it in her mouth.

Day 83 ~ Carly's Drawing


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

~ Project 365 - Day 82 ~

It was Pasta Night at our house. I love it so much. It's one of our favorite meals !!!

Wordless Wednesday ~ Almost

The view from my Mom's deck. Breathtaking , brings back many memories , I miss it.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

~ Project 365 - Day 81 ~

Little Miss Carly trying to get in a wagon to small for her. I was having a tough day & she always finds a way to make me laugh. Love you Little Girl.

Jennifer's Hoodie

This is a picure of Jennifer's Hoodie or Sweatshirt. She has had it for a couple years. She wore it to school last year when she was in Kindergarten until someone made fun of her. I was like Winnie the Pooh , Really ?????? She wouldn't wear it to school anymore.

The other day it was sorta warm so I said Why don't you wear your Hoodie ?? She did but then a couple wks later someone told her she was a baby for liking Pooh Bear. You know it's sad the way the world is nowadays. Kids being like that. They are so hurtful and mean. I know that not everyone is like this but I know there is so much more going on then sometimes we realize. I just feel since Jennifer is only in First grade it really gets me. I told Jennifer I still love Winnie the Pooh and there isn't anything wrong with your hoodie.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Miscellany Monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

Join me in a lot of Random thoughts today :

Lots of stuff to do today , but instead of having it all to do. I have some help today the kids are on break for three weeks. I won't really make them work but we are gonna Spring Clean. They love to help Mom , we'll make it fun.

Prayers ~ My heart is heavy for so many. A friend of mine lost her rainbow baby. I wonder Why ? things happen but I know God is in control and I shouldn't question. Praying for health & peace to her & her hubby.

Another family I'm friends with on Facebook lost there son in a auto accident this weekend. So heartbreaking.

Also praying for some friends from back home who recently lost there Dad last week. He was a wonderful person and my first boss at my first full time job. I know he will be missed.

Spring is here & I'm Happy !!!!

But if I wanted to I could go out and build a snowman. We have snow !! Looks like we may get some before the week is over again. I just hope we get a little nice weather so we can go enjoy the park a little while the kids are off. Whatever we will manage.

Today is Down's Syndrome Day ~ 3 - 21 represents 3 copies of the 21st chromosome.
Remembering all those with Down's. Much love to you all.

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