
Friday, July 6, 2012

Five Minute Friday ~ Story

I found this blog hop & thought I would join in. Sometimes it seems like all I have is Five minutes.

Five minutes to just write, and not worry if it’s just right or not. Kind of like how the rest of my life is at the moment.

Want to join me?

1. Write for only five minutes.
2. Link up by clicking on the button.
3. Go leave some comment love for the five minutes
who linked up before you.

It’s great , give it a try and see. Here is the topic ~


GO .........

My son wants to write a book someday so he has a couple stories saved on my computer. I love that he enjoys writing.

The greatest story is LIFE and all that it brings. I think back to my childhood , teen yrs Wow those were some crazy times. Graduation , First real job , children , marriage , loss of my own children , loss of friends & a parent , all the joys & all the pain but it's my story. It has been a real ride but in the end I can't change it. God has plans for all of us & I'm thankful he is with me everyday. I love my story and how strong I have become. I'm blessed.


My five minutes for today.
OK, your turn – show me what you’ve got.



betty said...

It is neat how you ended this, Caroline, despite it all,you are blessed :)

neat that Ridge enjoys writing!


Anonymous said...

best wishes...

hope that all goes well with you.

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