
Monday, November 30, 2009

* Remembering Mom and Dad *

Today I'm remembering my parents.

Today would have been there 46th wedding anniversary. My parents were AWESOME and always there for us.

I know to well those teenage yrs can be trying because you never think Mom and Dad make any sense, LOL.

One thing I can look back on now as an adult is that Mom and Dad really loved each other. My Mom was a stay at home Mom. Dad always worked but we had family time every night at the dinner table. Today I'm thankful for such great parents. Yes there married life was cut short due to my father's cancer. 22 yrs they were married when he passed away. I know today if things would have been different and Dad had not been sick my parents would still be together. It was so nice growing up in a loving home.

I remember doing my Dad a favor while he was in the nursing home just before he passed away. I had to go pick out a birthday card for my Mom from Dad. He said you know what to get, something like you know I would say. It felt funny but I went and he was happy with the one I picked out.

So this is for my parents Mom , I know Dad is looking down from heaven and smilin.

Happy Anniversary !!!!!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

* Seven Months *

Today our Little Miss Carly is seven months old.

She is growing and changing so very much.

She loves to eat and try new things.

She is even pulling herself up to things and even let go for a second the other day. So many new things to see and do.

She still sleeps all night which is great.

All in all we love you very much and Mommy still can't believe how fast the time has went.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

* Six Word Saturday *

Here is how it works using six words , descibe your life ( or something ) in a phrase.

Shopping done + Gifts wrapped = Christmas ready

This is the first time I have ever been so ready for christmas. We just put our tree up today which was loads of fun. I started buying odds and ends late summer. I just finished picking up the last 4 gifts on Thanksgiving Day at Walgreens. Earlier this year we thought my husband would be off a week in Nov and Dec w/out pay so I started watching for sales. Well here I was done before Black Friday. It really feels good to not have the worry of it all. Usually I stay up late finishing wrapping a couple days before. All I have to do now is mail my families gifts back in Ohio. The best part of it all is my hubby doesn't have to take the time off of work and now we have it all done.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

~ Thanksgiving At Our Home ~

Wow , Thanksgiving 2009 is over !!

It was fun, it was just us.

We had a good time and we ate at about 2pm.

It was just Paul and Me, Ridge, Marie, Jennifer and Carly. Jared had to work from 10:30 til 4:30 so we saved him some food.

I took a few pictures not the best on my phone.

We had Turkey {this year I only bought a Turkey Breast we usually only eat the white meat and Jared and Jennifer won't eat Turkey } Mashed potatoes, Sweet potatoes, Corn, Gravy, Cornbread, Homemade Dinner Rolls, Pumpkin Pie, Yellow Cake w/white frosting and Jello Salad. It was good.

We said a prayer and then Jennifer wanted to go around the table and say what we were all thankful for. It was fun and added some extra laughter to the meal. The older kids enjoyed watching me give Carly some real food. She loved all of what we gave her. It was just some of both potatoes and plain jello a little stuffing and a little of the pumpkin pie. All in all it was a good day.

Jennifer's Centerpiece for the Table and Grandma's Card she sent us.

My Homemade Dinner Rolls

Sweet potatoes so yummy

Finally the Turkey and Dressing and Corn

Hoping you all had a wonderful day wherever you were and a safe one.

Tomorrow we put up the tree and that should be so much fun.

God Bless

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

~ This is 4 U ~


Hoping that everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving.

Enjoy and have fun !!!!!

Stay safe wherever you are or wherever you travel !!

It's almost Thankgiving !!

I'm thankful for having U in my life.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

* A Fun Day and a Couple Surprises *

Today was a fun day.

Dad had to work and so it was just the kids and my step-son at home. Jared my step-son had to go to work at 1pm, so the kids and I went to the Holiday Craft Show at Carson High School. It's just across the road from where we live. Last year I went and here Santa just happened to be there. So I got the girls picture taken with Santa. Well this year I decided we would do it again. This year my son Ridge went along. He didn't wanta sit on Santa's lap he told me he was to BIG. Jennifer is shy when she wants to so she wouldn't sit there either. Well as for Carly being new to the whole thing, she went right to Santa.

Here are a couple pictures from the whole Santa deal.

They turned out pretty good,No tears so that was good.

Marie and Santa talking

My girls Marie, Jennifer and Carly and of course Santa

Later after we came home and fixed lunch. I did some laundry and a few other things and Dad called said he would be getting off earlier than he had planned on. So I hadn't really started supper so he said don't we will just go out for supper. We went to Denny's. It was good and we got out of the house. It was just so nice to not have to cook.

After leaving Denny's we had to stop by the store to pick up a couple things. They had a good deal on Pop at Smith's. Well when we walked in the door they had a nice display using Pop and had a fake Santa there. Ridge said hey Mom do you have your phone ? I said Yes.He said can you take a picture of me by Santa ? I did and my husband Paul laughed said now why didn't he do that earlier today. I told him I think he wanted to but he wants to be to grown up at times. It was funny and gave us a good chuckle after dinner. Kids can be sooooo funny at times.

Ridge, Marie and Jennifer at Smith's with Santa.

* Six Word Saturday *

Here is how it works using six words , descibe your life ( or something ) in a phrase

God is great , God is good.

I'm so thankful this Thanksgiving season and everyday that I know who God is and not afraid to let people know.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving all.

Friday, November 20, 2009

* Thankful Everyday *


It's so hard to believe that Thanksgiving is just around the corner.

Seems like just yesterday Kids were going back to school and it was Labor Day.
Time just marches on. I have a Facebook Acct and have been reading alot of things people write in there Status like what you are thankful for. My kids have been writing papers and making things for school dealing with Thanksgiving.
I have a friend on CafeMom that made me this tag and I just love it and thought I would share it on here. It's so very true, we should be thankful everyday and not just on Thanksgiving.

I can remember one time my parents telling me how everyday is special and you don't need it to have a name to make it that way. When I was younger I didn't really understand but now that I have children myself I understand.
I know that I'm thankful everyday that I know God and that he is there for all of us. Also that I have the freedom to enjoy all that he has given me.

God is great and God is good.

Psalm 106:1 Praise ye the LORD. O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good ; and his mercy endureth for ever.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

* A Little Homework For Thanksgiving *

Since it's Thanksgiving time My son Ridge had to pick a topic on what he is thankful for. He decided to pick his family. So this is his paper. All I really did was help him get the wording right. He wants to write his own book someday and of course being his Mom I think he will do a great job. He is in the 3rd grade.

Family is where you can find your best and closest friends. Members of a family take care of each other. They are always ready to help even if they have to change their personal plans.

Parents change their own plans all the time to stay with their children when the children need them. Sometimes they give up their dreams to realize the dreams of their kids.

Families don't have to be necessarily a father, a mother and kids. Today we have different kinds of families. We have single parents, stepfathers or stepmothers, half brothers and sisters, or families without kids.

What is important is if they support and love each other before anything else. It's the way we see a family. Even if someone in there family makes a mistake, family members help each other.

God helps our family and he can help yours too.

Happy Thanksgiving " Ridge "

We added the words to a song Ridge likes from Nick Jr about Family.
I stopped and listened to it one day when Jennifer was singing away in front of the TV. The words are so very true. Sometimes I get these songs in my head to with Nick Jr on most of the time. I love it !!!!

Song is by : The Laurie Berkner Band called " FAMILY "


When you’re in my heart, you’re in my family,
When I’m in your heart, I’m in your family.
When you’re in my heart, you’re in my family,
When I’m in your heart, I’m in your family!
Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers,
Cousins, friends, sons and daughters,
Uncles, aunts, and grandparents
I’m so glad you’re my family!

Oh, I’m so glad you’re my family.
I’m so glad you’re my family
I’m so glad you’re my family
I’m so glad you’re my family.

Even if you’re far away
or if I see your every day
when you’re in my heart to stay
You’re my family!

When you’re in my heart, you’re in my family
When I’m in your heart, I’m in your family.
When you’re in my heart, you’re in my family
When I’m in your heart, I’m in your family.
Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers,
Cousins, friends, sons and daughters,
Uncles, aunts, and grandparents
I’m so glad you’re my family!

Oh, I’m so glad you’re my family.
I’m so glad you’re my family
I’m so glad you’re my family
I’m so glad you’re my family.

Oh, I’m so glad you're in my family.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

~ Wordless Wednesday ~

I SEE YOU, DO YOU SEE ME ?????????

Monday, November 16, 2009

* Sickness and A Monday Surprise *

Well for the past 2 weekends I have had a sick child. Nothing serious just sore throat , runny nose and cough. My Marie was sick the weekend before last and on Friday when I went to school to pick up the kids Jennifer wasn't feeling well. Well for the most part they are pretty much back to normal. That makes me HAPPY !!! I don't like it when there sick, I sometimes think I would rather have them yelling and just being a KID !!!

So far so good doesn't look like Ridge is coming down with anything yet. My step-son Jared I think as a touch of it but says he isn't sick. I sorta feel funny they were giving the H1N1 shot at the school just before Halloween and we declined the shot. I just had to many mixed feelings and looking at the side effects of it I felt with alot of prayer just maybe the kids wouldn't get it. I don't even do the regular flu shot. So I'm just praying that it is only a cold or change in the weather. The girls do seem alot better. So far so good for Carly to.

So that's been alot of the going on until TODAY :

When our little Miss Muffin / Carly as Jennifer calls her now, decided to be brave and pulled herself up to my black chair this afternoon. She only stood there a couple seconds but it's a start. I was telling Paul that she is alot like Ridge when he was a baby. Since Paul and I were not together then Ridge started walking around things at 7 months. I can see this little girl doing the same thing. Ridge was walking at 9 months so I have a feeling it won't be long for her. The kids were all excited even though the older 2 didn't see her do it.

Well I think that's it for today and just getting everyone well again.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

~ Six Word Saturday ~

Here is how it works using six words , descibe your life ( or something ) in a phrase

Blessed to have such " AwEsOmE " Friends.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

* Thanx , Updates and A Little Change *

First of all I would like to say a " Big Thanx " to all of you that have been praying for my Mom and our family and others. It means alot to me.

Well as a update on my Mom, all the tests came back once again NO CANCER. So happy and excited again. It's a big happy smile :) I'm hoping that maybe Spring or begining of Summer I can go back home to visit.

As for my step-son things haven't gotten much better. So still praying there alot. This week some new unpleasant things came to light so I'm just trying not to get stressed and give it all to God. I know it's tough growing up. So many more things to deal with than when I was young.

I changed my blog background and I'm still not sure I like it. One thing about me I'm always changing something around at home. I think I do it more than I used to when I was working. So don't be surprised if it doesn't change again, LOL. I thought about a Christmas one but I like something sorta simple. I may end up in the end changing it back to the monkeys since with this gang that's what it feels like sometimes a barrel of monkey's.

So that's about it for now. Thanx again for everything and all the sweet comments. Hoping you have a great weekend.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

* Wednesday's For Wyatt *

Here we go! Our third Wednesday for Wyatt! It’s quite simple to participate. All you have to do is copy and paste this post on your blog, and come back here to link up with MckLinky! Once you do that, your all set to win a great giveaway.

So far, we are up to 1,443 signatures! Lets try to keep them steadily rolling in.

For those of you who are not familiar with my family and what we are trying to achieve, here’s a brief run down...

Our son Wyatt was diagnosed with a fatal condition at our 18 week ultrasound, but chose to carry him to term. We waited to meet our son with love, all the time praying we would get to see him alive.

On June 1, 2009, Wyatt made his way into the world by c-section. To our amazement he had a faint heartbeat and was breathing! He died two minutes later, but I’ve clung to the two minutes my son and I breathed the same air since his passing.

Upon calling to get a copy of Wyatt’s birth certificate, I found out he was listed as a stillborn. You would assume it was a mistake (like I did), but there was no mistake. According to the definition of live birth in Tennessee my son was not “alive enough” to be deemed a live born baby. His two minutes of life has gone unrecognized by my state, and I intend to change this piece of legislation so I can solidify the validity of my son’s short life.

Wednesdays for Wyatt was created to help spread awareness for a law that needs to be changed, as well as to generate more traffic to my petition. So if you’re reading this, thanks for taking the time to help our family!

This contest will be open today only. I will close MckLinky down sometime before midnight, so make sure you get linked up ASAP to make sure you are entered to win this giveaway! Thanks for helping everyone, and good luck.

Wednesdays for Wyatt
Fighting to get Wyatts life recognized one signature at a time!
Click here to enter your link in this Blog Hop

Want to be a part of this Blog Hop? Click here to see instructions and get the code...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


It's time for SHORT ANSWERS. To join in just ask the kid(s) in your life these five questions below and write down there answers word for word. Post'em up on your blog and link up.

Just to let you know how old my kids are : Ridge 9 , Marie 7, Jennifer 5.

Ridge - Butter

Marie - Cheese

Jennifer - Cheese

Ridge - Cows milk for the filling and Wheat for the Donut

Marie - Bakery

Jennifer - cut hole in middle of dough

Ridge - because they want to get a date so another tree will like them.

Mom- LOL only my son would say something like that.

Marie - cause they wanta change

Jennifer - cause it's time for FALL.

Ridge - All veggies

Marie - Good to eat

Jennifer - I only like carrots in dip

Ridge - certain thing that's taped

Marie - Don't know what it means

Jennifer - ???????

Monday, November 9, 2009

* The Power Of Prayer *

WOW the Power of Prayer.

It has been a amazing Monday.

God is sooooo great and sooooo good.

I started following MckMama when I first started blogging. In the Spring Stellan had a scare and it was great and amazing to see the Lord at work.

Today was a little different, I have been praying hard everyday since the night before his birthday. I have been reading her blog faithfully everyday and so much into it I made little orange ribbons for my children to wear on there coats since his birthday with knowing that this trip to Boston had to happen. At breakfast this morning we all prayed together as a family for this little boy Stellan and his family. All day off and on as soon as I had a chance I waited to hear updates. Then when I got home from getting my kiddos from school, I found out that our mighty God and the power of prayer had worked. It gave me chills just to know that they had hit a home run.

I could feel God all day and it's so great that no matter what we face he is there and so ready to help us. I know to that sometimes things in life don't always turn out on the good side but that same God that was with Stellan today and seen him through is there for all of us even in the bad times. I am proud to say that I'm a christian and I know who God is and this past yr my walk has gotten alot stronger with him.

I just wanta say thank-you God and you are soooooo good. I know whatever the battle life throws at me you are there to carry us through.

God is amazing !! His power and might never cease to amaze me. Praise God.

Prayers for Stellan

* Prayers For Stellan *

Prayers for Stellan

Please Pray for this little guy today he is in the hospital in Boston.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

* Miracles *

I just wanted to share this e-mail I recieved from my Brother-in-law. I thought it was really neat and so here goes. Hope you enjoy it. :)

A little girl went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly jar from its hiding place in the closet.

She poured the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. Three times, even The total had to be exactly perfect. No chance here for mistakes.

Carefully placing the coins back in the jar and twisting on the cap, she slipped out the back door and made her way 6 blocks to Rexall's Drug Store with the big red Indian Chief sign above the door.

She waited patiently for the pharmacist to give her some attention, but he was

too busy at this moment. Tess twisted her feet to make a scuffing noise. Nothing. She cleared her throat with the most disgusting sound she could muster. No good. Finally she took a quarter from her jar and banged it on the glass counter. That did it!

'And what do you want?' the pharmacist asked in an annoyed tone of voice. I'm talking to my brother from Chicago whom I haven't seen in ages,' he said wit hout waiting for a reply to his question.

'Well, I want to talk to you about my brother,' Tess answered back in the same annoyed tone. 'He's really, really sick...and I want to buy a miracle.'

'I beg your pardon?' said the pharmacist.

'His name is Andrew and he has something bad growing inside his head and my Daddy says only a miracle can save him now. So how much does a miracle cost?'

'We don't sell miracles here, little girl. I'm sorry but I can't help you,' the pharmacist said, softening a little.

'Listen, I have the money to pay for it. If it isn't enough, I will get the rest. Just tell me how much it costs.'

The pharmacist's brother was a well dressed man. He stooped down and asked the little girl, 'What kind of a miracle does your brother need?'

' I don't know,' Tess replied with her eyes welling up. I just know he's really sick and Mommy says he needs an operation. But my Daddy can't pay for it, so I want to use my money.'

'How much do you have?' asked the man from Chicago .

'One dollar and eleven cents,' Tess answered barely audibly.

'And it's all the money I have, but I can get some more if I need to.'

'Well, what a coincidence,' smiled the man. 'A dollar and eleven cents---the exact price of a miracle for little brothers. '

He took her money in one hand and with the other hand he graspe d her mitten and said 'Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents. Let's see if I have the miracle you need.'

That well dressed man was Dr. Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon, specializing in neuro-surgery. The operation was completed free of charge and it wasn't long until Andrew was home again and doing well.

Mom and Dad were happily talking about the chain of events that had led them to this place.

'That surgery,' her Mom whispered. 'was a real miracle.. I wonder how much it would have cost?'

Tess smiled. She knew exactly how much a miracle dollar and eleven the faith of a little child.

In our lives, we never know how many miracles we will need.

A miracle is not the suspension of natural law, but the operation of a higher law. I know you'll keep the ball moving!

Here it goes. Throw it back to someone who means something to you!

A ball is a circle, no beginning, no end. It keeps us together like our Circle of Friends. But the treasure inside for you to see is the treasure of friendship you've granted to me.

Today I pass the friendship ball to you.

Pass it on to someone who is a friend to you.


When you are sad.....I will dry your tears.

When you are scared.....I will comfort your fears.

When you are worried.....I will give you hope.

When you are confused......I will help you cope.

And when you are lost...And can't see the light, I shall be your beacon .... Shining ever so bright.

This is my oath.......I pledge till the end.

Why you may ask?.......Because you're my friend.

Signed: GOD

Saturday, November 7, 2009

* Walking With You - Thankful *

Walking With You was created to help support those who have lost a child. Together we share stories , helpful information , scriptures , encouraging words , prayer requests , and more. Thank-you to those of you who have joined us for the past few weeks ..... for courageously sharing your stories. If you haven't joined us yet , and would like to, you are more than welcome.

I'm thankful for my one special nurse in the ER when I lost my little boy.She was so supportive and really cared. She knew how scared I was and also told me no matter how many children you have already it was a life. One of the nurse's in the ER that day treated me like it was no big deal and handed me a pamplet on miscarriage.

I'm thankful for feeling God right there with me both times I lost and in all the days that followed.

I'm thankful for my walk with God and how much stronger it has been since.

I'm so thankful that when alot of people told me I didn't really need another child and it was for the best that I was able to stand tall and rise above it all with God.

I'm thankful that I know my God is real and I will see my two babies in heaven.

I'm thankful that our babies are never forgotten in our home. We have little talks and when that day comes around we are so open with our feelings.

I'm thankful for all my children on earth and in heaven.

I'm so thankful for such a loving , caring and supportive husband.

I'm so thankful that as a couple we were able to help each other through are losses and be so strong for one another when it seemed like one of us was down.

I'm so thankful for the friends that I have met on here and all those comments really help. It's so nice to have so much support.

Here are a few of my favorite verses that I like :

The Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces. Isaiah 25 : 8

Blessed our they the mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5 : 4

I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Phillippians 4 : 13

Thursday, November 5, 2009

* Prayers *

Just a little update .........

Today I'm praying for so much and so many.

First I'm praying for my Mom today. She is having some tests ran at Akron City Hospital today to do a recheck to see if any cancer is showing back up. She had breast cancer in Nov 2002 and had both breasts removed. So far she has been cancer free since then but there is always that fear. I talked to her yesterday and she didn't seemed worried she told me that she is trusting in the Lord and whatever he will carry us through.

I'm also praying for Stellan and his family as they make the trip to Boston. Such a strong little boy, hoping that the Doctor's in Boston can help him.

Prayers for Stellan

Just click on the button if you would like to read more about him.

Also keep this family in your prayers. You can click on this button to learn more about them.

I'm also praying for our Family.

I feel so caught in middle, we are had our little talk with my step-son Jared and of course things didn't go well. It's just so hard on Paul and I right now. I'm just giving it all to God and hope when Jared decides what he is going to do that it doesn't tear our family apart because we love him so much. There are just rules that we have and it's not good for our younger children to see this. Praying for a good outcome for all of us.

Most of all I'm praying for all of my friends and followers and there needs whatever they maybe as we go into this holiday season and everyday.

On a brighter note - my husband Paul was supposed to have to take a week off in the month of Nov and Dec w/out pay unless he had vacation time to use. Praise God yesterday he came home and said he would be working. I have been praying that something would change and it did. God is great.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

* Bible Vs Cell Phone *

I wanted to share this email with you. I recieved it from my brother-in-law and I thought it was pretty neat.

Bible :

Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone?

What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?

What if we flipped through it several times a day?

What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?

What if we used it to receive messages from the text?

What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?

What if we gave it to Kids as gifts?

What if we used it when we traveled?

What if we used it in case of emergency?

This is something to make you go.....hmm.......where is my Bible?

Oh, and one more thing.
Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Bible being
disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill.

Makes you stop and think 'where are my priorities? And no dropped calls!


Trust in the Lord and *ASAP (Always Say A Prayer)

Have a blessed and wonderful day!

Even though you can't see Him, GOD is there for yo U

When Jesus died on the cross, he was thinking of you!

If you are one of the 7% who will stand up for Him, forward this.

93% of people won't forward this.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

* Grief Through A Child's Eyes *

I have to say this was a sorta tough one. About a week and a half ago my son Ridge came out from school and had this not so happy look on his face. I asked him did you not have a good day. He just looked at the ground, not like my boy at all. We can usually talk about anything. We were walking home and the girls were going on about there day at school and trying to talk at the same time. I pushing the stroller looked at Ridge so quiet not even taking a bite of his snack. I usually give them a snack to eat while walking home. I asked do you not feel good and no answer. We kept walking and after we crossed at the light I looked again and there was a tear on Ridge's cheek. I stopped the stroller and said Ridge what is wrong ? He unzipped his backpack and handed me a note.

It read Grandpa Phil passed away Sunday afternoon at 2pm. He was sick and developed pneumonia, his body was just too tired. His greatest joy was working with all the students. School counselors have talked to the children but they may have some questions at home.

Grandpa Phil was a retired volunteer that came into Ridge's class and a couple other classes & read to the children, helped them w/ spelling words or whatever the need was. Ridge had told me he had a bad cold and that they had made cards for him. We didn't have much more to walk so I hugged Ridge and told him as soon as we got home we would sit down and talk.

We got home and got things settled down and I told Ridge we can talk now if you feel like it. We talked the teacher at school had done a great job but Ridge said he didn't wanta cry at school but he felt sad. I told him it's ok and it's not good to keep feelings inside. He really handled the whole thing well.
The children in his class decided to make a big poster for his wife to keep w/ all there pictures on it and each student wrote a short memory of that something special they liked about "Grandpa Phil ".

I think it was just really neat at how well Ridge handled it. Just today Ridge was still talking a little to me about it and he said Mom even when I get bigger it's still gonna be there in my head and I'm always going to care. I told him no matter how many yrs or days go by the memories will still be there. He will always have a special place in your heart. A few tears fell down his cheek and Ridge got down on his knees and prayed.

Grandpa Phil I know your with Jesus but I miss you. I know one day I will see you again.

Monday, November 2, 2009

* Mcklinky Blog Hop - Favorite Photos

Here are just a few of my favorite pictures.

My Ridge , Marie and Jennifer.

My Ridge who should someday be a Gymnast, he would be great.

Daddy and Little Miss Carly, such a sweet picture.

Carly just chilin on the couch, playin with her feet.

Our lovely bunch of Kids
Ridge, Marie, Jennifer and Carly

Replace this sentence with your content, do not remove any code past this sentence.
MckLinky Blog Hop

Sunday, November 1, 2009

* A Nice Surprise *

Well a side from my last post on a brighter note.........

My husband Paul called me from work Saturday afternoon and said I might be done by 4pm. I thought that's great, he has been working 11 hrs a day all wk. The money is good but it's hard on all of us. The older kids think they can get away with it all or try to cause Dad isn't home. I guess if I was there age I might too, LOL. Well it ended up he got done at 5:30 which was still good. He was supposed to work today Sunday BUT he didn't have to. It was nice just to have him home. Our Jennifer came running in our room this morning and yelling it sounded like, I'm hungry. Then she said Mommy your Little Muffin is awake. I said what are you talking about & she still said your Little Muffin. Here she was talking about Carly. That girl comes up w/ more names for that baby all the time.

We went to church and then had lunch, watched NASCAR my hubby hates to miss that. I got stuff ready for another busy wk. We ran to Walmart for a few things. Kids had a birthday party next door to go to. We had pizza for supper and I got out of cooking.
It was just nice to spend a little time together. I'm sure he will be back at it again this coming week and I will be the Mom and Dad, LOL. Hoping everyone has a great week to.

* I'm Sad *

I'm sad

I'm somewhat stressed

I really don't like this feeling But who does ......

Friday started out to be such a good day. It was Nevada Day and No School !!!

The weather was nice about 75 and sunny, earlier in the week it was supposed to be cold. So I had told the kids we may not go Trick or Treating cause I didn't wanta have Carly out in the cold weather just to get some candy. I told the kids if we didn't go I would make it up to them. But then again it was a nice night well somewhat .......

I got a phone call from my little sister well I should say my only sister. I could tell from talking to her something was wrong.

Our neighbor that lives across the road from my Mom had a stroke a couple wks ago and wasn't doing well. She is a very nice lady and I used to work for them. They had ran a church camp for many yrs. I liked working there and while I was there they lost there daughter in a terrible car accident. She was only 18 and the same age as my sister. I watched this sweet lady go through so much losing her youngest daughter and then not to be here at all when the accident happened. She has older children that live in Florida and was visiting at the time. It was a terrible time for her and her husband but then again God carried them through it.

Anyway she is not expected to make it to much longer. She doesn't really know anyone but my sister and my Mom were going to try to see her anyway. I wish so bad I could be home but I can't run home everytime something happens. I would in a minute if it was my family. At the same time I'm just sad I can't see her one more time before that something happens like Death.

Not more than a hr after I talked to my Mom and Sister a friend of one of my friends I used to work with called me. It's not anything that doesn't happen but her voice didn't sound right to me. She called to tell me that my friend had lost her baby to crib death. Her baby was only 2 months old. I'm sad and now I really wish I didn't live in Nevada. Once again there is that terrible word again Death.

I didn't write this to feel sorry for me that I live so far away from people I love but it just makes me feel so sad that I can't attend anything. I know that no one likes death but you know either way it is so hard to swallow the waiting part when you know someone is going soon. Or the unexpected and sudden taken away. I'm praying so hard about all these friends of mine and just know that God will carry us all though times like these.

I found this today while going thru some images on the computer and thought it fit perfectly. I know with God and trusting him he will always carry us through whatever happens in our life. So I'm gonna try not be sad but sometimes it's tough.

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