
Friday, April 10, 2009

Waiting & Waiting

Today has been a difficult day for MOM. 37 wks & 5 days pregnant & this baby is moving so much. I went to my Dr Appt yesterday. The head is very far down & there is so much pressure. My tummy tightens up but I know I am having contractions but for the most part I don't feel them. It's sorta scarey cause I don't know if I'm in labor or not. I had my first 2 children & didn't know I was pregnant. Some people don't believe me but it really happened. I just am hoping that this one comes soon. My kids ask everyday & it's so hard to explain to them. My sweetheart of a husband is even so excited for her to get here. I feel bad cause it's only Rick & him in shipping at work & I know for work he would like to know what's going on. Just trying to hang on in case she does go til my due date of April 27th. Sometimes waiting just seems like forever.


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