
Friday, December 28, 2012

Remembering One Year Ago

I found this picture on the web , so beautiful . 

As I look at this picture I see so much & how God makes so many things beautiful. 

One year ago I lost my precious " Rosebud " . 

My baby that I never got to feel move or touch but I know that I loved you just like I love all my other children. 

So as I look at the water droplets I can also see tears in my eyes but I know just as God as promised this is not the end. 

I will hold you 

I will play with you 

Most of all I will be together forever with you in Heaven. 

I love you little Rosebud

until then ............


Daddy also talked about you sweet babe before he left for work 

We all miss you 

Not a day goes by that I don't think of you , today is just extra special. 

All our love to Heaven. 


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

More Veggie Artwork 


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

Merry Christmas !!! 

Here is our tree after Santa stopped by ..............

The children this morning listening to the Christmas story being read from the Bible before any presents were opened. My parents always started our Christmas morning like that & I enjoyed it every year.

A beautiful bear & snowman with a candle lit for all those loved ones in Heaven that can't be with us at Christmas but forever are remembered in our hearts.

Hoping everyone had a safe & very blessed Christmas , Happy Birthday Jesus.


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Five Years & I Miss You

It never ends , I miss you. 

Five years ago , I lost you Little Muffin. 

I never got the chance to hold you , to see your precious little face. 


Happy Happy Birthday Little Muffin. 

I love you & count the days until I get to spend forever with you in Heaven just as God has promised.

Thank you God for blessing me with this beautiful gift and until then I send lots of love to Heaven.

Forever I remember you & I never will stop missing you my sweetness. 


Love you 


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Veggie Turkey

Another great idea from Pinterest 


My Daughter's :)

I Love You All So Much 


Monday, November 19, 2012

Veggie Pumpkin

My different kind of pumpkin I made for Thaniqua's Halloween Party at school. 

The kids loved & it was healthy !!

Thank you Pinterest for the wonderful idea !!!


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wordless Wednesday


Some Thoughts on the Election

First I felt like writing my thoughts and yes I do get on Facebook quite a bit , after reading so much before the election it was hard this morning to see all the slamming & even defriending of people. 

So this is no way to bash anyone but just to get my feelings out. 

Last night I watched the election w/ my family. Ridge , Thaniqua & Jennifer were all interested in it. I wasn't sure how it would all play out.  Paul & I had talked before about the election and really which ever way it turned out we would take it. Ridge was the most interested in it all. He didn't like the ads & such against one another but we told him it was all part of the process. 

So finally last night it came down to the winner 
Mr Obama 

I told the children that not everyone would be happy with this but then again if you didn't vote then I feel you have no reason to complain. 

I also stated that I may not like everything Mr Obama says or likes but I'm not the President. I told the children that God is still above all & that through prayer & faith we are never alone. 

This morning Ridge pointed out that so many people were saying that we need to pray & God help us. Well I told Ridge no matter who the president is we should be praying for our country. I really hope that since he was given a second term maybe he will do a better job or try some different things. I pray for our country & all the leaders .

God has it all in his hands anyway.

Just my feelings


Monday, October 29, 2012

Happy 20 Years Old Fremont

My children's school turned 20 years old in September. So the school has a ice cream social every September so this year they changed it up & had a birthday party. 

It was fun & soooooooooo YUMMY !!!!

The year round school has been around for 40 yrs or better from what I have been told. It really is a wonderful school. I know I said it has been 40 yrs but they built a new school which is now 20 yrs old hope that makes sense. 

It was all free cake & ice cream you could eat. They also invited a lot of the older teachers back that had retired so nice to see a good turnout from everyone. 

The sad part to this school year is the district wants to take it away & go back to regular school calendar which I do not agree with so there is small group of parents that are trying very hard to show the district ways to prove our point. I'm really praying that they don't lose this. I know as a parent my children have learned so much in this school & following the year round plan. I could talk forever about this but going to stop & put it in God's hands. 

I am so in love with this picture of my girls. I took it at the school & it turned out perfect. Paul had to work that Saturday & Ridge had other plans so it was just the girls & I but we had a blast.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

September Fun

I'm so behind on posting but I wanted to share some fun we had in September 

Jennifer's Third grade class went to the library for a field trip the middle of  last month. I didn't go with but met them in the park next to us for lunch. It was a great day for a picnic. 

Carly enjoyed hanging out with all the kids too. While the children waited for there lunches they looked & read there books. Great memories !!!!

Thaniqua surprised me by wanting to try out for a part in the school play. It was called " Character Matters ".
She got the part of Mama Bear. It was a play that had to deal w/ kids & bullying . It was awesome so proud of her.


Amazing & Beautiful

Yesterday when I picked Thaniqua & Jennifer from school I saw the biggest Rainbow we have ever seen since we moved to Nevada.  So very amazing .................

Then when we were almost home we saw another Rainbow in a perfect place right above the church. A wonderful reminder of how good God is always. He makes everything beautiful even a stormy day or moment there is always something beautiful to look forward too.


Monday, October 15, 2012

Capture Your Grief ~ Day 15

Day 15 ~ Wave of Light

Today is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Remember to Light a candle no matter where you are at 7pm tonight. Remembering all those children gone to soon. 
To all my friends & family I remember everyday your children , today is just extra special. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ xxxx ♥ oooo


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Capture Your Grief Days 10 - 14

Day 10 ~ Symbols 

I love looking at the sky all the beauty knowing God is the creator of all. Most of all I love knowing that our children are with him in Heaven. 

Day 11 ~ Support from Friends / Family

I would have to say my children on Earth & my wonderful husband. They always support me. My children speak of there siblings in Heaven so does my hubby. We have celebrated many other babies in Heaven from friends & such. I also have a very special friend who's daughter's short life has a huge impact on our family. The first baby loss blog I read was by a special lady Holly Haas. So thankful for so many others that have stood behind me.

Below is a picture of my precious children on Earth ~ One of the best support I can think of.

Day 12 ~ Scents 

I would have to say thinking of my first loss would be Chocolate.

I always wanted chocolate when pregnant & since my first loss was in Feb 2006 it was 4 days before Valentines Day.

Day 13 ~ Signs 

Just being outside & watching the skies a beautiful sunset , a storm brewing , puffy white clouds that look like marshmallows as my son would say, just the beauty in a day. Knowing that everyday brings me closer to the One Sweet Day we will be together again. I love the breezy day just like the warm sun on my back as I feel my children sending HUGS to me.

Day 14 ~ Community 

There are so many that have helped me. Facebook has some AWESOME FRIENDS on there. Carly Marie Dudley & Franchesca Cox ,Kristin Cook & of course a wonderful friend Kelly Gerken all who do so much & others that send so much support to many. I just want to say Thank you to all those Babyloss Mom's & Dad's out there I love you all bunches & everyday a candle is lit in our home for all those precious little lives in Heaven. 

Sorry I don't have a picture for today but all of you are loved & remembered in my heart.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Capture Your Grief ~ Days 8 & 9

Day 8 ~ Jewelry 

My silver ring just simple four precious hearts. Every time I look at my hand I think & remember them for they are right there with me.

Day 9 ~ Special Place

I love the water & I have had many pictures made since my losses. So my special place would have to be anywhere there is water. A peaceful feeling & I feel so near to them. I feel like its a part of Heaven on earth. I just know Heaven will probably have the prettiest water & I dream of me on the beach with all my children one day. This is my special place since my losses were all miscarriages.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Special Photos & Reception for Justin & Christy

Just a few special photos 

Taken at Secrest Arboretum Gardens , Wooster , Ohio 

Wedding Reception

Chocolate covered pretzels for the guests

Off to the honeymoon ~ A cruise to the Bahamas


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