I have sorta been down but hoping the weekend will be a good one. We don't have a whole lot planned cooking out I know for a fact. I love grilling !!!
My Hubby has just worked 13 days straight so I know there will be a lot of relaxing for him. They have a small carnival at the park we live beside but it's a little pricey so I'm not sure if we will go. Our kids will just be happy to get Cotton Candy and stuff like that. The fireworks are set off right across the road from us so we don't have to fight all that traffic to go to those.
So I just wanta wish everyone a very Happy , Safe and Fun Filled Weekend. Enjoy time together because no one knows what tomorrow holds but we do know that we are one more day closer to Heaven.

Have a great holiday weekend!! :-)
Thank you Caroline,
Happy 4th to you too!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend Caroline. We are also staying home. We have the Madison Regatta going on. It's the boat races just in case you didn't know. Happy 4th to you and the family.
Happy july 4th.
hoping this weekend is a good one for you Caroline and it helps to lift your mood; it is hard sometimes with life to always stay positive and not get down. But just remember who you are, that always brings a smile to my face when I think about it "a daughter of the King and a sister to the Savior of the World". Doesn't get any better than that, indeed!!
have a Happy Fourth. I think it is neat that you are close by to where the fireworks will go off; always fun to watch them and Carly will really be enthralled with them this year!
Happy Birthday to your stepson, Justin, and I hope you all have a great weekend. Glad your hubby gets to rest some. How lucky to live right across from the fireworks!
I bet Paul will be glad for the break!! Have a great weekend and enjoy the fireworks!
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