Also I have a few prayer requests to.
I found out that my only Uncle is in the hospital today and having surgery for a kidney stone and also his appendix is ready to rupture. I just talked to my cousin and he is resting at the moment and being prepped for surgery.
Also after I found that out I called my sister and we talked. My Mom had a Dr Appt yesterday and they found she has a slight heart condition and has to see another Dr on Monday. My Mom wasn't home when I tried to call so will try later tonite. I'm sure she will be fine and it's just another bump in the road as I could hear my Mom say. She always tries to rise above whatever comes her way.
Also last please pray for my step-son Jared. He still has not found a job and he won't take any advice from us. He only has 2 days left in his apartment until he is evicted for no rent paid for July. So I'm hoping he will do something or at least talk to us. It's hard on us cause we worry but at the same time he needs to do something on his own w/out being told.
So if you could keep these people in your prayers for us. I know that God is Good and he will see us through all of this.
Thanx again and watch for changes. :)
Sorry to hear about your step son. Sometimes I'd just heard to watch kids makes mistakes despite the efforts you put forth to try and help.
I like the new layout! Matches your button!!
prayers for your uncle and step son...
blogger has been acting on everyone two days ago, I see 14 comments when there are 18 in it...
please take it easy,
take a deep breath,
God love you.
So sorry to read about your family health problems and your stepson, Jared. Of course I will be praying for all requests. Your mom sounds so upbeat, you must have gotten your strength from her. I need to be that way more. Jared may go through some rough patches but maybe there are lessons he can take from them. I hope he learns to take advice from you and hubby soon. I know you love him and have his best interest at heart. xoxo
praying for your uncle and stepson.
I like your new layout,it's cute and simple!
Wish I could find something I like :))
opps I'm praying for your momma too sorry I forgot to mention her.
looking forward to your changes, Caroline. will keep all in prayers. I hope Jared doesn't get evicted; here in California, not sure if it is in all states, but that info goes on their credit record and it makes it hard for them to get credit plus rent other apartments. its hard to let them try and perhaps fail since we want them to do well. will pray
Can't wait to see the changes in your blog.
Praying for all of your family members as they face different things in this life...
Keeping you all in my prayers.
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