Well this afternoon about 4pm , I got the phone call I was waiting on. Marie , Carly and I walked to the children's school this morning. Ridge and Jennifer stayed home with the sitter. I was going to give it one more shot at trying to get the children back in school. We love that school they have so much to offer and learning is so important to me. I didn't get to see the principal she was in a meeting. Disappointed we came home , then she called me. We talked and then she said we will make a spot for Jennifer. She was cut because there were not enough teachers for First grade. Oh the tears of joy when I told the children after I got off the phone.
So one less thing to stress about and I'm so happy God answered my prayers. So the children return to school this coming Monday and we are all so very HAPPY !!!!
You are such a blessing to me.
Your comments have been fun to read.. and I was so happy that I had time to stop by and visit your blog tonight.
What great news to hear about your daughters school!
The Lord always hears us... and His timing is perfect isn't it!
Stay encouraged... You are a blessing to many!
Love ya'
That is so great!!!
Awesome! I love it when the Lord takes a situation that looks hopeless in our eyes and completely turns it around...I think he just loves to see us so giddy over his goodness! :)
that is wonderful news Caroline!! thanking the Lord!! he always seems to be the 11th hour God, coming through at the last minute in such wonderful ways (which then of course we know is all him and nothing we could ever have done). I am glad there will be a place for Jennifer there in 1st grade and that Marie/Ridge will be able to stay put and not have to change schools!! great news indeed!!
Thank goodness! THat is wonderful news. I am not there in my parenting/mothering yet to have to worry about schooling, but I do know that when you have a place you LOVE and you are forced to make other arrangements, against your choices, is very rough. Glad to hear it all worked out!
What great news! I'm just so happy for you and your family!
it is great to have the kids educated and inspired by professionals. loved your exciting news.
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