Just wanted to take the time to wish my stepson Justin a Happy Birthday today !!!!
Justin turns 22 today and I hope whatever you do that it's a happy time. Just know that many miles separate us but your in our thoughts today and always.
I'm a wife to a very special man ~ Paul , who is just Awesome. I'm a Mommy to four wonderful , amazing children on Earth Ridge , Thaniqua , Jennifer and our Little Rainbow Baby Carly. I have four children in Heaven Riley , Little Muffin & Sweet Pea , Rosebud who I miss but know that One day we will be together. Also I have three step-children which are all in there 20's.
Happy Birthday Justin!
Happy Birthday Justin!!! fine looking young man you are!!
(wow, both your step-children have birthdays in the same week!!)
Happy Belated Birthday, Justin!
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