
Monday, October 11, 2010

Doing Good

There has been a lot of trouble with children saying things that aren't so nice. Hurting each others feelings. Some of our neighbors just aren't the best to play with but I tell my children that they should try to be nice. It's hard in this world we live in. So I ran across this cute image , knowing this is the way God wants us to be.

Have a wonderful day


trennia said...

That is so very true!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The world is a hard place and people can be so mean. Doing good is the best solution and it makes you feel better too.

betty said...

that is a cute image, Caroline. you give your kids good advice to try to be nice. It is sad that we learn at such a young age how to hurt people's feelings :(


Sarita Boyette said...

I just read an article in the new People mag. about bullying and how some of it starts with simple namecalling. If the world would just follow the Golden Rule, how much better off we would be! Your advice is great for your kids.

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