Join us as we continue reading with Holly, In Faithfulness, He Afflicted Me, by Lynnette Kraft.
In this Chapter, Lynnette speaks of worrying & also trusting in God to help her. She had good reason to worry with all the things Anna was dealing with. She worried that if someday she was to pregnant again and Anna needed her. Putting your all into trusting God is alot of work. Sometimes it may not seem like it at the time but God will help you through prayer and he will never leave you.
What things do you worry about ?
I always have been a person to worry but just since the last 9 yrs. I do trust God but with some of the issues I have been through with my older children's father, I worry. To many times he used them to get at me and told me one day they won't want a mother like me. I know down deep it's not true but sometimes I have a fear that he will come and take them away. He followed me for yrs after we split up, would be at my work , one time he even picked the lock to my car and was hiding in the backseat.
The past 2 yrs have been tough on me, I never have been a homesick person. I moved out when I was 18 and always worked and didn't have my children til later in life. Now as most of you know I live in Nevada and I'm from Ohio. It is taking alot of adjusting for me and I try not to let it show. I worry that if my Mom or any family member gets ill or a accident I could never get home in time. It's just 2500 miles away is to far but I know that things are better for us here. It just is hard somedays.
Do you find it easy to give these worries to God ?
Yes I do but then I have to stop and remind myself that God is always there to take care of us and as long as I trust him, he won't let me down. I can remember getting ready to leave Ohio and I was alone taking 3 children on a greyhound bus to Reno, Nevada. It was a scary thing but I gave it all to God and the kids stayed with me and we made the 3 day trip. God always sees you through whatever even though at the time you may not see how.
Lynnette also in this chapter spoke of how she kept a journal of things the children did. When I read this I wondered if she was related to my Mom. She seemed like she wrote down everything. I can remember my Mom writing down things in just notebooks after notebooks. When I got older I can remember reading them & thinking Wow at a lot of things she kept track of.
What memories of your childhood make you smile ?
I can remember just sitting around the supper table TOGETHER. I can remember that was one time that we all could get together & talk about things that happened that day or just to enjoy each other together.
Another was Christmas at our house, it is Jesus birthday so My Dad always read the christmas story out of the bible. As we got older we took turns reading different verses of it and then we prayed together and then opened gifts. It was a wonderful time and my parents never wanted to lose sight of what christmas was really all about.
I could probably go on forever I had lots of happy memories as a child but one thing I do treasure was having christian parents.